Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Something to Blog About

Recently I read that if you are a writer, it's important to set aside time and write. It's a habit. I enjoy writing, but haven't done so in quite a while.  I think it's time to get back into the habit.

When we were in Tanzania, I felt I had something to contribute.  We always had something happening both Lisa and I felt passionate about and were excited to share with everyone.  Since I've been back, frankly, I haven't felt I had anything to share.  I felt an urge to express something, but I lacked anything of any value to offer.

But that line of thinking was wrong.  I do have words to offer.

So, my focus, at least for now, is to find stories that I think inspire or share hope.

Here's my first one.

Lisa and I are having a baby in April.


I could just ruin that statement by gushing about excitement, etc. But I won't.  The line is story quite enough.