Monday, November 15, 2010

A Busy Week!

Camping at the "Hot Springs"
If you have ever watched a movie or read a book that referenced an oasis, it probably described this spot. Saturday afternoon we crashed through dusty back roads in the Land Rover and were finally led by a motorcycle driver to some hot springs that someone in our group knew about. To say it was a dusty and rough ride was a bit of an understatement. I think we were all pretty skeptical about there actually being any water in our path. Then, all of a sudden, there was a stream and palm trees and a pool of crystal clear (literally) water! We pitched our tents and hopped in. It was not exactly a hot spring - more of just a spring. But, it was beautiful, refreshing. Plus, it was great to be able to camp with the other volunteers out of the school and just have fun.

We got a lot of exercise this week! Monday we did our usual run home from school - about 4 miles. Wednesday and Friday we played basketball. Friday morning we also walked to school from home. Plus, there is just all the regular walking that happens here! I wish I could say I had the physic to prove all this labor...but instead I only have sore muscles and achy joints! Sucks getting old!

Form 2 Exams
The form 2 exams are nearly over. All eduction leads up to culminating tests at forms 2, 4 and 6. If you don't pass, you don't go on. Clearly these tests are a big deal. So, after months of studying and weeks of fretting, the students finally took most of the tests last week. The only one remaining is agriculture. They felt confident they would do well after taking the tests. It is a huge relief to have them nearly over!

Singing with pre-form
Between the Wyoming FFA leadership camp and growing up a Heinert, I have learned some really great and weird songs. So, by Lisa and Jane's suggestion, I started teaching them to our pre-form class. So, great songs like "Froggy", "You Are My Sunshine", "Bold Bad Man", and of course "She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain" are now being belted out in the Orkeeswa classrooms! My favorite part is there is one boy who really does not like this. So, when everyone else is just singing at the top of their lungs, he is covering his ears and looking like he ate something sour! Oh, the simple joys of life. One day while we were singing, Lisa found him in the library. He said "I'm sorry teacher. I'm just not like everyone else. I just really don't like to sing." I think too many rounds of singing "Lean on Me"with his classmates and I might not like to sing either!

Boma Visit
It is always so eye opening to visit student's homes (bomas). Saturday morning we walked to three student's homes. All had prepared us food. So, by the time we finished shoveling in corn and beans (an extremely filling meal in case you were wondering) I thought I would explode! They also treated us to soda and bananas. After the visit the kids walked us back out to the main road singing, you guessed it "Froggy!" at the top of their lungs.

Ben's Silencing the Lambs
Great news. Ben can cook. OK - we all knew that. But, we didn't know he could cook lamb so well. Oh sweet mother of pearls! I don't think I've tasted anything quite as good as his lamb. Tonight he made lamb curry. So, new rule - there must always be lamb available for Ben to cook for us!


  1. No. That is a great song though! Froggy is a call and response song...

    Dog Cat
    Dog Cat Moose

    and so on...

    It's tough to explain withought hearing the clapping and yelling involved!

  2. You'll have to sing it for me next time I see you. DO NOT FORGET!

  3. Teach them the swimming pool song! That's still my favorite camp song, and it sounds like you do plenty of swimming there!
