Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tough News to Share

You know that news that you have to share but just don't want to. Like that you just peed your pants. We had some of that news to share with our families since we've been home. That is that we are staying in Tanzania for another year. We're excited...but I must say it's been challenging telling our families. I think they want us back in the U.S....for good! I have to say it's pretty tempting too. I missed them so much and being here has been so good. I drove 2 hours to pick up a baling part for Dad yesterday just to see the countryside. Plus, I've packed on a few pounds chowing down on the local cuisine. I like having access to my family. But...I don't think here is where our story resides right now. There's a big part of me that wishes it when I'm fishing with my nephew in the river or shooting arrows with him. Like when I can just call up Lisa's dad Jeff and visit. Like when I just look over this country up here and it's just so pretty that you can't imagine being anywhere else. I don't know. But, it certainly does keep you longing for home even before you've left.

1 comment:

  1. You know we are very proud of you, and are trying hard to understand your commitment. We're being selfish, I know, but we really did enjoy having you at home. Can't wait to see Orkeeswa for ourselves!
