Sunday, February 5, 2012

Welcome back to Tanzania!

We are back in Tanzania. I'll also say we've hit the ground running. We were two weeks late arriving because we decided to stay longer with family and friends. So, we were two weeks into school when arrived. Cripes...who thought that was a good idea! In addition to the hum of school there have been a few other things happening:

  1. People filming students and teachers for a few different promotional projects.
  2. A board member, Cindy Beams, is here taking pictures and visiting.
  3. Lindsey and Liz, our friends, are here visiting and going on safari.
  4. Lisa left with Lindsey and Liz (wow, say that 10 times fast!) to go to Zanzibar!
  5. NEW TEACHERS EVERYWHERE! Yeah! We are really blessed with volunteer and Tanzanian teachers who are filling roles and taking on leadership.
So, it's been a good transition back! I'll fill in with more details as the weeks go I'm sure Lisa will have some good pictures from Zanzibar. For now... it's enough to say that I MISS EVERYONE AT HOME a great deal and I'm also glad to be back in the swing of things here too.

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