Saturday, November 19, 2011

Coffee Farm Tour and Sports Fest with Form 2
This week our Form 2 students had some free time. They had tests on Monday and Friday...but nothing in between. So, we had some fun. On Tuesday I took them to a coffee farm near Arusha named Kimmemo. We learned about the production process for my favorite drink in the whole wide world. Now, were my intentions to turn them all into coffee lovers? Not exactly. But, I did get to share a nice cup with the students at the conclusion of the tour. I think they enjoyed the tour. But, what they really enjoyed was when we drove by the herd of milk cows that the coffee farm also owned! You can take the Maasai cattle herder off the farm, but you....

On Wednesday Lisa planned a sports/games tournament with the Form 2 students. They played board games, netball, basketball and volleyball. They kept track of their points for wins in each of those areas and top teams received a prize.

One thing that made both of those days difficult is that the students, as good as they are, were not in the mindset to play! They had a test to take on Friday and they wanted to study for that. They "got in to" the tour and the sports, but not like they normally do. It's funny how focused they get. These tests have been on their minds for years - literally.

Finally Finished with Tests
I am so pleased to announce we are finally finished with the Form 3 Mock Examination and the Form 2 National Exam! I can't tell you what a relief that

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