Sunday, September 1, 2013

Getting Settled (a little)

This was a week of getting more into the "swing of things". I'm more comfortable with the bus system, for example. I went to my first Gators football game. I went to the beach in St. Augustine today. It's been a good week.  It will be good to have Lisa here though.

This next bit is going to make me seem like I'm off my rocker, but I felt compelled to write about it anyway.  I enter the building where I work from the back side. I enter there in part because it's the closest entrance and in part because there are banana trees growing at the base of the building as landscaping. I like the trees and the entrance is close and quiet. The other day, however, I noticed a strange skeleton set as if peering through the window from the building adjacent to ours. Upon closer inspection, I noticed it was the skeleton of a monkey.  Perhaps someone put him there as a source of irony, or simply by mistake, but that monkey skeleton is looking straight at those bananas!

What a story you could pull from that scene.  Forever locked inside staring at his food; his life source, is that monkey. He's dead, the tree is living.

I don't know what, if anything I'm supposed to learn from that monkey.  Maybe I just need something to occupy my mind. But, I bet, if given the choice, he'd sure rather be out from behind that glass, be up in that tree, and have his hands on one of those bananas.

Hmmmm... maybe got too much sun today :)

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