Sunday, May 29, 2011

Well, it happened...

The Incident -
Well, we all knew the day would come. I'm just ashamed it was so soon! I finally got caught peeing in the garden. Now, before you go judging me, all you non-garden-pee-ers out there, I want to paint you a picture (no, not that picture!) Our school is out in the bush! Plus, the pit latrine toilets are not my favorite thing in the world. Finally, I need to check on the garden anyway. only made sense in my mind. Now, just to be clear, I go well away from produce, etc... I know many of you will condemn me as of reading this. That's a risk I'm willing to take.
I was down there as usual when all of a sudden some students came walking around the corner of the building. What in the world! Why are they out of class? As it would happen, they were bringing me some papers. What are the odds? Anyway, as anyone who has tried to stop early in this particular situation, you know it's very difficult. Well, I did, somewhat. Anyway, to spare you the gory details...I think I'll be heading to the pit latrine in the future!

Whitney Arrives
Whitney, the new office manager arrived last night. I think she was pretty tired. I had made her some spaghetti and just as I was getting ready to dine with she and Lisa, I was called to help take kids home to their bomas. So, I guess I'll get to know her later! She'll be living in the same house as Lisa and I for the next year working as the office manager.

The Sporting Fiasco
We have had a series of sporting events here. They are REALLY disorganized. The latest timetable said, in effect, we need your kids here to play an undefined game at an undefined game in the next three days. So, it's been a lot of chasing around and waiting...especially for Lisa. As I write, she awoke around 6 AM today (after getting to sleep at midnight last night) and is still not home at 7 PM because of the schedule of things today. I'll be glad when things are finished with that!

Part of what I love about being here are the projects we work on. I love trying things in the garden. I would love to have a plastic greenhouse, beehives, irrigation, goats and dairy cattle and aquaculture by the time I leave. Right now I'm working on using plastic sheeting to capture rainwater for irrigation (failed twice so far...hoping to rally soon). Also, I'm trying to filter grey water from the kitchen through sand to use on the fruit trees. Also... a work in project. It's fun to try these things that you read about. For the most part I fail...but it's fun to try!

What kind of animal would you be?
Tonight we were walking up the hill to our house - Quinn, Whitney, two students and I. I saw some chickens eating some termites off of a tree...kind of cool. So, I commented that I wouldn't mind being a chicken if I had to be an animal (again, all of you who were judging me about the garden incident just back off!). I asked the group if they could be an animal what animal would they be. Quinn and Whitney said a zebra and a unicorn. One student said he would be a sheep because in the Bible the sheep are the innocent ones. The other student said he would be a lion because they are obviously big and strong. This kid is about 5 foot 4 inches and weighs about 110 lbs! He walked along in silence for a while. Then he commented that when he was done with school he was going to grow out his hair and whiskers and have a mane. How could you not love that!

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