Sunday, June 5, 2011

Do Dik Dik's Mate for Life?

This has been an ongoing topic of conversation around here for many months now. Now, many of you are asking...what is a Dik Dik. Glad you asked! It's a tiny little deer like creature...maybe 16 inches tall. There have been many rumors that they mate for life. So...when you eat one (which is really more like an appetizer!), one could argue that you are robbing the other of it's life partner. I don't make that argument, mind you. Well, yesterday morning, I had a sighting of two little Dik Dik's standing side by side. For me that just confirmed it. They are in fact mated for life. My assumptions were further verified later on Ahh, the more you know.

End of School Exams
You'll be happy to know we are nearing the end of our term. We will begin giving final exams on Thursday and finish on Wednesday of next week. Then next Friday is a big celebration and we are outta here. I think the kids are handling the stress pretty well. They are really focused on doing well on their exams. Picture your achievers in any class...that's what most of these kids in each form are like!

Orkeeswa Idol
We have been working on the second annual Orkeeswa Idol! We are set to have it this Wednesday. As of now we have two skits, one singing group and many dancing groups. Should be interesting. My personal favorite as of now is the group of two form one boys who are going to dance off to "The Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira. Yes, come one, come all! It's bound to be one entertaining show!

More Water Issues
There has been little to no water in Monduli for over a week. How can people live without water? Why aren't they sending any more? Don't know! Some corn around here looks OK, but apparently the rains came at the wrong time so many of the crops either failed or under produced. Consequently there is widespread speculation that prices are going to go really high on people's staple food.

One of the fun things we have been working with is developing a microfinance project here. Already there are nine groups working on filling out loan applications. We would potentially lend each group a loan to begin a small project. Projects range from cutting hair to buying and selling chickens and eggs. These guys have some good ideas, but as usual, there must be some degree of experience here. So, we're hoping to work with them on developing good businesses. I really enjoy the beekeeping idea that is buzzing around!

I hate sickness!
We had a kid get really sick from some water he drank. At least that's my professional opinion in the matter. We took him in to the hospital and he had a fever and was in pretty bad shape. What killed me is he had dressed in his nicest clothes to go. Here he feels so terrible and just looks terrible and was considerate enough to put on his slacks and dress shoes...underscores why I really like this kid. Anyway, mercifully he was immediately sent to a bed and treated rather than having to wait in the waiting room. Again, it was one of those "sucking chest wound" things with this guy where you felt so sad that he was so sick. I am thankful that when I saw him yesterday he was eating. It just reminded me how much I hate sickness. This was a strong young man who was just taken down by these things that persist here!

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