Monday, May 21, 2012

What Lisa's Been Busy With

Allison, Lisa and Juliet. Allison and Juliet are volunteers at Orkeeswa and also competed in the triathalon. Juliet did two of the legs! I couldn't figure out how to flip this picture so you'll just have to tilt your screen a little. It's easier on a laptop. 

Lisa's team - Beth and a dude I don't know. Beth is from Montana and has been our friend ever since language school.

These are our kids who competed at the cross country meet.

Lisa's story while I was in the USA
Here's the Reader's Digest condensed version. Basically, Lisa had a rough week...

  • She got sick
  • She had to do my job
  • She competed in a triathlon after being sick (she did the running portion)
  • She helped volunteers in the middle of the night
  • She took sick kids to the hospital
  • She taught one of my classes

Trying to leave a lasting impact
Ever since I returned, I've been thinking about after we're gone from here.  How will I know we've done anything?  Will anything continue like we're doing it after we leave? I know growing new leaders and new systems is really important. But, have we done that?  I don't know, but it's a bit where our minds are now.

Students participate in a cross country meet
Our kids went to a cross country meet last Saturday with Allison and Lisa. They were second out of eight teams. They also only competed in two of the four events. So, I'd say they did pretty well!

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