So much has happened since my last post. I suppose I should start from where I am and then work my way back.
Grandpa Pannell passed away
I'm home in the USA now. I got the call Friday and was able to book my ticket and board my plane on Saturday to return here for a week. Grandpa had been sick for just a short time. He was 91. He was a hero of mine. Lisa and I had seen him in January and celebrated his 91st birthday. He was fine (and by fine I mean he had no physical or mental problems) then. I could say a lot about Grandpa. Let me suffice it to say that I hope to live a life half as full as him.
Just before I left I was dissapointed in a few things. Students had not returned some borrowed books and I was dissapointed in the choices they were making. Teachers were showing up late to work and I was dissapointed in what I considered to be lack of respect for the school. Some students had created issue with their attendance because of choosing to get circumcised in the middle of the school year and I was dissapointed in that. But, more than anything, I was was dissapointed in myself. I was dissapointed in my lack of forsight with the books. I was dissapointed in not being a better leader with our teachers. I was dissapointed with being completely clueless of this cultural issue of circumcision and also my own incompetence in being able to react to the situation. I've been trying to help build the school a goat house for nearly a year now. For SO many reasons the house isn't finished. For some reason, it's been a constant reminder to me of my own short comings and failings. I think a person who does this sort of work has to continue to remind themselves of that serenity prayer... Lord give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
New Volunteers Arrive
A few weeks ago we got three new volunteers. Andy and Ming are from the UK. They're staying for 6 months to set up a computer network in our school. Alex is also from the UK and staying for a year to serve as the office manager.
Audi Got Married
Audi, a teacher with us for the past 2 years, got married a few weeks back! Allison's dad was here at that time and we all went to the wedding. It was quite a lot of fun and was even televised on three Tanzanian television stations!
Juliet turned another year older
We celebrated Juliet's birthday this past Friday night. We whooped it up Monduli style! Then I got on a plane and flew to America.
We went on Safari in Teringeri
We had a one day holiday on May 1st and went on Safari with Lisa, Alex, Juliet and myself (Allison was hanging with her dad). We saw a pride of nine lions walk right next to our car! We also saw many elephants, giraffe, etc... It was Alex's first safari, so he was really having fun!
Thoughts now from home
I return from here on Sunday. I really miss Lisa. I am cleaning out Grandpa's stuff from his house and bringing it over to Mom and Dad's. I moved his saddle today. I like being able to see my family. I'm excited that some of them are coming for a visit in June. All of these recent circumstances have made me wonder about how to transfer farms (or any family business or property for that matter) without tearing a family apart. I enjoyed seeing our friend Joe, a young guy my age who flew out all the way from Ohio just to say good-bye to Grandpa.
I'm always struggling with geography. I want to be there but I don't want to leave here.
Final thought... Grandpa was a really good neighbor. He was kind to pretty much everyone. He liked to make pies or just give away random things to people (Joe was just telling me Grandpa had given him a car to get back to Ohio one time...). The Bible says "love your neighbor as yourself." I like to think Grandpa did that.
So glad you got to make the trip home to spend this time with your family. Cleaning out your grandpa's house must have brought back many wonderful memories for you!